Holding Still, Together

What an incredible honor to have been a part of this amazing project highlighting personal care in Parkinson's disease and also raising awareness about the disease. Heartfelt thanks to Prof. Bas Bloem for including me and to Prof. K Ray Chaudhuri, Miriam Parry and the rest of the neuro team at King's College London for their support and participation. I consider myself very fortunate to be seen by this great team at KCL and to receive the genuine the quality and level of personal care I do from them.
The book "Parkinson in Pictures - Holding Still, Together" is part of a person-centred care research project at Radboud University Medical Center focusing on the person rather than the disease. This special project approached care in a completely different way than is typical in science: through images (photography) and stories. The book includes stunning black-and-white portraits of Parkinson's patients and their caregivers. The photos were taken during a session in which they discussed person-centred care in depth, and each participant (both patient and caregiver) was asked to bring an object that was unique to them as a starting point for the discussion. This beautiful medical art book contains the conversations as well as some accompanying essays.
This fantastic book outlines, in both words and images, a visionary future of care in which people with Parkinson's and their caregivers collaborate on personalised care. The book also provides a unique look at how healthcare professionals and people with Parkinson's collaborate to shape care. It demonstrates the strength and vulnerability of those affected by this disease, as well as those who care for them.
To order a paper copy of the book, please follow this link: https://www.boekenbestellen.nl/shop/external?P=55581&EX=25280
Photos from 'Holding Still, Together'.
Posted by: Omotola Thomas on the 14/12/22.
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